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Selling novelty toilet paper

toilet.JPGWe have been trialling the sale of novelty toilet paper over the last week in one of my newsagencies with some tremendous success.  In fact, it’s been more successful than we expected.  Customers have a good laugh, even though who don’t purchase.

Each toilet role is a good margin dollars added to a sale. The GP is excellent.

Most customers buying rolls do so on impulse and having visited our newsagency for a magazine, newspaper or greeting card.  Some buy the rolls having been drown to the store from the mall facing display.

We decided to try the toilet rolls as part of a broader plan to get known for carrying quirky gifts … gifts now commonly available in our shopping centre.


Join the discussion

  1. Tracey

    Who supplies these?


  2. kane

    crown concepts has ex gadget king ones realllly cheap and i mean really cheap!


  3. Daniel Streltschenko

    Where is the newsagent located? I’m looking to produce some novelty toilet paper of my own and would love to get in touch.


  4. Brendan

    Many years ago I purchased a novelty toilet paper as a Kris Kringle. It was crosword toilet paper and labelled “Toilet paper for smart a%#@s” 3
    It was not appreciate by the recipient.


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