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Calendar Club all over the place on calendar pricing

Calendar Club pricing is not consistent across the outlets.  There are outlets currently selling calendars at 40% off RRP and others offering more than 50% off.  Some were discounting well before Christmas while others were full price up to Christmas.

Maybe it’s just me but they don’t appear to have been as tough a competitor on price this season as they have been in the past.

Calendar Club outposts have dominated calendar sales in major shopping centres for many years, offering a broad range. Their presence has been a major factor in newsagents reducing their commitment to calendars.  In recent years, I have seen stores compete successfully with Calendar Club while maintaining a healthy margin.


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  1. Brendan

    I thought I’d stuffed up and ordered to much calendar stock but since we discounted it at 50% off, they have taken off again. Many more customers than usual seem to have waited for them to go on sale this year.
    Unfortunately I had too much stock to take advantage of the suppliers specail pricing in December. I won’t make that mistake next year.


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