Some sales representatives who call on newsagents will do anything to get you to buy their products or service. Newsagents would know who I mean – they are the sales people who try and win business by lying about the competitors. It’s their point of difference. I am talking here about outright lies and not just tough competitive positioning. It speaks volumes for their belief in their own product that they focus on the competitors more than themselves. Thankfully, business won this way often bites them sometime down the track.
There is a bit of lying going on right now and, no, I am not about to name names or companies.
If a supplier representative says anything to you about a competitor of theirs, ask them to prove it. This will soon shut them up. Better still, go to the company or person they are speaking about and let them know – it is what you would want if it was you they were talking about after all.
“There is a bit of lying going on right now and, no, I am not about to name names or companies.”
Why not Mark…you’ve happily named your competition in the past. What’s the difference?
Ted this is completely unrelated.
will you take a spinner full of pens or key cover for firm sale? i will not. do you believe the spinner will give you 20x turn around in a year ? wow!
i have 15+ years in the retail business and write off enough $$ for things don’t sell .
Hi Eric I am one of the biggest sceptics when it comes to named items however without knowing where your business is situated, ours is in a regional shopping centre, I have never seen anything sell as quickly as the Key Covers.