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Advertising the newsagency on community radio

We have made a decision to advertise our newsXpress Forest Hill store on community radio for the next three months. This is in addition to considerable letterbox flyer and other marketing activity we undertake. The community station we are supporting, Golden Days Radio, connects with our demographic and is strong in our region.

Our plan is to run a different commercial each month with an offer for their listeners. We are starting with a commercial about magazines and our unique value proposition. We decided on magazines because of the popularity of the medium among older customers.

We will be on air three times a day seven days a week for three months plus some other promotional activity with the station.

We continue to send out flyers to thousands of homes to promote our ink, books and other offers.  We also promote inside the centre as I have discussed here before.  While advertising on commercial radio would be interesting, we felt that a community radio campaign was worth the investment because of the demographic focus and the community connection.

newsagency marketing

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  1. heather

    Congratulations Mark for giving this a try. We use local Community radio advertising and it is extremely good value for money compared with other advertising types, “local” being the key. We are a male oriented store so the sports are a highlight, it is a real treat when they cross to Baz for his horsey picks now and again, so many customers comment that they have heard him on the radio.
    Funny how radio has survived, I thought TV was going to put it out of business back in 1960…….


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