Spam rules within Telstra’s Bigpond organisation are getting in the way of some Victorian newsagents who want to email customer accounts. This has meant that the newsagents have had to make other arrangements to get the business accounts to their customers by email. Tower Systems has helped out by providing newsagents with free mail server facilities for sending out home delivery accounts.
This issue has come to the fore in recent days because of the fee changes announced by the Herald and Weekly Times.
POS BROWSER will not authomatically send out statements by email through outlook. to resolve the matter you have to ‘click’ every statement sent as ‘not spam’
POS Astralia have not come out to its users with a step by step guide as to how to set charge for the postage fee yet.
While I am at it.. POS are tardy at fixing perceived problems at the user face end preferring to concentrate at the state of the art end of the programme which gets little day to day use.
not happy Jan !!
Its not just a VIC problem. We’ve always had this problem with all customers that have bigpond email addresses here in NSW.
Mark, i would be interested to know how many newsagents are running 30 day customer accounts. We currently do and as most of our suppliers (newspapers, milk etc ) are 7 day accounts with us we were thinking of changing our trading terms to 7 day.
Have other agent thought about changing?
Richard for home deliveries I’d expect it to be well over 50%.
Trading terms are mandated by the publishers.
In Victoria, HWT says 14 days, or 4 weeks if they pay in advance. Fairfax says 1 month.
It is not economic for us to send statements out more frequently than monthly, unless they are all sent out by email.
Of course, for any other products you provide credit you can set the terms.
30 days here but most seem to think it is 60 or 90 days .our account with QNP is 30days
Richard, I’d be envious of your system if a 7-day account setup would be beneficial for you.
Monthly accounts are enough of a headache at the end of each month, with delivery customers doing stop-starts all the time – a day here, two there, oh, and I’ll be away for six days from the 28th…
With no idea of the work/resources involved in adjustments on run sheets and spreadsheets, as well as their history cards that record times away etc etc.
I think we need to be able to charge admin fees – especially for those on deals directly with publishers, because they want that day’s paper cost taken off, even though they only pay $8 for $9 worth of papers and the few cents we get for delivering the %@#&*^ers. And they have the gall to ask for a reduction for Good Friday or Xmas day weeks. Yet they can decline to pay every other month because we can’t do anything about it for three months. Cashflow issues on top of it all.
It’s not as if (in general) delivery customers support our stores. Rather, they anonymously and ignorantly suck the life out of us by virtue of the structure we’re forced to work in, yet expect us to continuously stuff around with their schedules.
A weekly headache? Please no!