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New newsagency opportunity in Dubbo

I have been made aware of a greenfield opportunity in the Dubbo region for anyone interested in buying a newsagency or opening a new newsagency. It is in a centre, part of a new development.

Let me know (0418 321 338) if you would like more details.

buying a newsagency

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  1. why

    It’s in a woolworths development, and I don’t know that I would call it a totally “greenfields” site Mark, ie it’s well within the territory of a well established agent.I’ve not spoken with him in the last few months, but he had strong opinions last I spoke to him and is a fiery character who defends his position, as I expect you know…or Nathan and Gavin do….leave it at that…….

    On the positive side of the ledger, it’s in the middle of one of the newer (and more expensive) housing developments in the town and it is growing, with the nearest real services 10 to 15 minutes away in the middle of town.

    negatives: it’s a small market,there’s already 7 or 8 newsagents in town (some of them on the market atm), a multitude of subbies and you would be relying totally on local trade from the housing development and existing adjacent older housing. The site is well away from the highway and the proposed centre is smallish.Your landlord, initially, would be Woolworths.

    If anyone takes it on, good luck!


  2. Mark


    The landlord has made the decision to put in a newsagency so it will happen regardless.

    As is always the case with a new location or even buying a newsagency – do your homework, be careful.in their


  3. why

    yep, agreed!


  4. Mark

    I have received several phone calls this morning about this based on some misinformation.

    There is not a newsagency in the centre at present.

    The landlord advises that they are not currently negotiating with anyone for the newsagency.

    I am not offering anything here other than information. I have no vested interest in the location.


  5. why

    I hope I didn’t add to/cause the misinformation Mark, my apologies if I did, I was adding some personal observations based on extensive experience of the area over 30 years.

    One observation………..”there is not a newsagency in the centre at present”

    There isn’t even a centre at present! Construction is due to commence next month, with completion for early next year.



  6. Mark

    Why, it’s all cool, thanks. One newsagent calling me today got told me I was wrong and that the centre existed. It appears that tempers are short in the area and that there is mis information.


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