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Revised weekly magazine display

fhn_weeklies_jan2510.JPGWe have take a different approach with the weekly magazine display at the front of our shop facing shoppers as they leave the centre.  Based on recent sales, we see more value in focusing on the top four weeklies.  Hence our promotion of Famous, New Idea, Woman’s Day and NW.  You’ll see that we have filled the small space at the bottom with crossword and puzzle titles – these sell well with the weeklies.


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  1. Anne Torr

    Hi there, hope you can help. I`m wanting to give my daughter in law a wonderful subscription of a monthly food magazine for a bithday present. I have not a clue what magazines you have in this range. Can you please help. I was hoping for an equvilent to “Food & Home ” we have here in S.A. this is a magazine that you never throw away. My daughter in law lives in Mudgee.
    Many thanks.
    Anne Torr
    Tel +27 043 736 1397


  2. Mark


    I’d suggest: Delicious, Gourmet Traveller or Good Food. Contact Mudgee Newsagency on +61 2 6372 1071 or National Way Newsagency on +61 2 6372 6399 in Mudgee and arrange for them to putaway the title. This is better than a subscription.


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