We are promoting the latest issue of Cleo at the counter this week. The free dress packaged with the magazine is an excellent giveaway and certain to drive good business. We only received one poster so we created our own marketing collateral to help drive sales of this special deal. We will leave Cleo in the prime position and reassess on Wednesday.
Our entire supply was red.
Did other people receive a mix of colours?
Yeah mixed colours and same here no posters
Mixed here.
black only
Mixed but only 2 black left.
Black only.
havent recieved ours yet, lost in transit somewhere. Can i borrow your catchphrase Mark??? Ugh!!!!!!!
Well I will say that we got a nice healthy amount, mixed colours and they are selling well. Thanks ACP – more like this please.
All ours are red and we got no posters at all, so we simply placed them on the shelf and will top the lot when the time comes minus the dresses that will go to vinnies. We did however make a big display for mens health at the front counter because we got heaps of promo material.
we got all red.
am i the only one who has this cleo as a full return?
it seems like there are others who only have to send tops where i have to freight full returns back on other titles also.
Peter, Cleo has always been a full return. I think most shops will return the magazine only (without the dress). We shouldn’t have to pay extra to send back bulky things like that. The other good example is the travel bag that came with Vogue. This would cost us a fortune if we sent the whole think back.
im scared i wont get the credit if i am audited?
i agree that we shouldnt have to end back any full coppies of anything.
we received both colours, the thing i was angry was the amount we received a small country town and we received 124 copies that may not be many to some but we normally only receive 40 – 50 i have already sent some back as early returns and as fulls.
Shayne, in Tassie, Cleo is cover only about half the time, probably dependent on any “free” gifts. Like Kellie, we received two and half times our previous allocation and will probably be early returning most of the extras as I have yet to sell a single copy to anyone who is not a regular buyer despite a front of store display.
One Dolly left 😀
Received more than double our usual quantity of Cleo, and have sold double the usual qty – so far just this week :))
Can’t find black anywhere – does anyone have any left?
we recieve 3x more than usual but sold out in 1 week. what arecord and I could sell 100 more .
We only recieved red dresses and as a result we sold bugger all. Everyone who came in to buy cleo wanted a black one and went looking somewhere else. We sent the lot back this month so I get credit on the feb account. Great idea, sh&^house execution for us.
Does anyone have any left that i could buy, pref black but any will do 🙂 walk in or post.