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2010: the year of device

Google launched its phone yesterday.  The Nexus has been a hot story online with close to 4,000 news items in less than a day.  I’ll leave it to others to write the expected comparisons with the iPhone and to speculate whether Google has got it right.  The real story is that Google has entered the device space.  This is the big news as it opens a door on a new strategy.

Through the Nexus, Google can provide access to the content it has collated and stores on its servers.  This phone of the next version or the one after it will attract people to stories and maybe whole publications who would otherwise have purchased a print product from one of our stores.

Coupled with the launch of their new phone is the announcement of their move into online retailing.

This is a new channel maturing before our eyes.  We need to have our own game plan for this changing world.

Media disruption

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