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Day: October 24, 2009

Is the nook a game changing e-reader?

nook.jpgnook, the e-reader introduced by US book retailer Barnes & Noble this week in the US could be a game changer in the e-reader marketplace thanks to the lending ability it offers and the ability to pick up reading a book started on the nook on an iPhone or your Mac.  While the lending feature has limits – only to one other person and only for 14 days – that the facility is out there is enough to put this feature in play for others.

In addition to offering access to books on the nook, Barnes & Noble is offering magazines and newspapers.

The image is from Information Week.  Their story on the nook can be found here.

Media disruption

Book wars in the US

The Book war which erupted in the US last week is set to get more serious with the Booksellers Association seeking Department of Justice intervention.  The argument is that Aamzon.com, Wal-Mart and Target are using predatory pricing.  The discount on top selling new release books is close to 70% off the cover price.

This battle started when Wal-Mart and Amazon engaged in a tit-for-tat price war close to two weeks ago. Walmart.com was offering the books for US$8.99 with free shipping; Amazon had the same books for US$9.  Target soon joined in.

While the three retail giants slug it out, smaller booksellers are left floundering in their wake and publishers are wondering whether there will be a long term shift in new hardcover pricing and, if so, what the implications will be for their model.

This is all happening on the backdrop of continuing significant moves on e-reader device sales and digital content promotion.

The recent US experience is relevant to us because it reflects another impact of disruptive technology and the lengths to which major retailers will go to drive their businesses in a tough retail climate.

One way or another, the US book war will impact on book retailing here in Australia.  We will have to wait and see the size of the ripples.

Newsagency challenges

Driving impulse purchases with photocopying

fhn_copies_cover.JPGOur team at Forest Hill has refreshed the product offers located around our photocopier.  This makes more rewarding use of our retail space and offers compelling impulse opportunities to photocopying customers without impeding  easy access to the copier.

The basket data I have seen for newsagencies shows that copying remains one of the least efficient sales.

On average, more than 70% of copy sales are for copying and nothing else.  While those customers may purchase other items on other visits, the copy visit itself is inefficient – hence the importance of refreshing the impulse offers around the copier.

The O’Bon pencils, pens, journals and folders (on the left in the photo) and made from recycled newspapers and sugar cane pulp work particularly well in this location.

Newsagency opportunities

Free lottery ticket with the Herald Sun

fhn_freescratchie.JPGThe Herald Sun today has a coupon which can be redeemed for a free Intralot instant scratch ticket.  While I like the idea of the promotion, I am concerned about the time which may be spent checking tickets.  Scratch ticket customers are notorious for having tickets checked even if they are certain they have not won.  This would be okay if the Intralot hardware was faster.  We will encourage those wanting their ticket checked to use the self service terminal if we are busy with other customers.

For this promotion to work it needs to drive Herald Sun  and Intralot sales. Where I expect it to work the best is in newsagencies with Intralot and without a second Intralot a few metres away.


What’s the price deal with Model Engineers’ Workshop

fhn_model_eng.JPGTwo issues ago, the front of Model Engineers’ Workshop announced a new low price – A$10.90.  The latest issue, out yesterday, is priced at A$13.50.  I can’t see any reason for this – the UK price for each issue is the same.  Why increase the price here?

The UK price on the latest issue is hidden under a barcode on the plastic bag.  Some customers will discover that the UK price has not changed and ask why.
