There has been plenty of noise online about the soon to launch Apple Mac Tablet including speculation of negotiations between magazine publishers and Apple about getting magazine content available through iTunes. PC World has a good summary of news.
Such a move is guaranteed to happen as I have noted here before. Once newspaper and magazine friendly devices appeal to consumers, publishers will embrace them. This happened with music. It makes sense.
Smart newsagents are building flexible businesses to cope with change while also working hard to make the most from print product in serving consumers who prefer this medium.
I believe you wrote on this site how newspapers should not charge Internet uses for content as you said there are plenty of other news sites that you can get it for free. And who owns the news, something like that. And now you quote(Such a move is guaranteed to happen) I tend to disagree with you in that everything that is written ,filmed or even talked about (twitter) is coming to a device that everybody will want one. Hears a thought, how many kids do you see walking around Melbourne with a laptop under their arm! now i just gota find my phone somewhere.
Paul, I see a difference between providing access to content via the Internet and content for devices such as the iPod, the Kindle and similar devices. Look at how many people walk the streets listening to music on their iPods. Think back four years. None! The distribution channel is the game in town which will revolutionise how publishers do business – as it has always been: print, cinema, radio, TV.