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Kudos to Australian Traveller

aust_traveller.jpgLast week I received more proof that magazine publishers read this blog and act on the feedback newsagents post here.  Australian Traveller magazine is changing its newsagent commission model – to 50% commission for the Oct/Nov issue and 30% thereafter.  Newsagents contribution to this place have had a lot to do with this.

Read the text of an email I received from Quentin Long, Director of Australian Traveller magazine.

Hi Mark

Just wanted to let you know based on the feedback of agents on the blog we are changing our commission structure for Agents.

Agents for the Oct/Nov issue will be receiving 50% commission

Ongoing agents will receive 30% commission

This will be a cracker issue as the cover title is 100 Great Australian Holiday Homes. Some of the homes are flat out amazing, however we have made a big point of having all price points represented in the 100 homes.

If you wanted to inform other agents I would really appreciate it. We have the merchandisers out in market talking to agents and telling them, we will be sending a note with the magazine parcels and I will be emailing agents directly as well.

If there is anything we can do to help please let me know.

This is a terrific opportunity for newsagents to get behind Australian Traveller to drive sales and reward the commitment from the publisher to our channel.  There is a terrific reward for us too in better than average commission.

If newsagents do get behind this and drive excellent sales results other publishers will notice.  It’s up to us what we make of this opportunity.


Join the discussion

  1. BAZ

    Given a prime spot on my counter….Well done Aust. Traveller !!


  2. Sarah

    I’ll definately get extras and promote!


  3. Michael

    Thanks Quentin. I hope you get a huge spike in sales.


  4. Aaron

    Mark, quick question.

    Do/would you directly engage publishers of magazines of titles that you consider have the potential to sell well, or let them contact you, or leave it to the suppliers?


  5. Mark

    Aaron I do with some and not others. Direct publisher contact is more worthwhile than going through distributors.


  6. Aaron

    Is there a criteria you use when deciding whether or not to make direct contact with a publisher?


  7. Mark

    It depends of the scope of the opportunity. Aaron for me it comes down to a personal decision.


  8. Aaron

    In numbers i’m thinking we could double our current allocation (which would bring it to 6~8), display them in different locations and sell most, if not all of them.

    this is just a personal thought though.


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