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More on who leads NSW newsagents

Further to my post last month about NSW Lotteries, there is more media coverage today on the disagreement between the ANF and NANA on the preferred approach on the privatisation.  While this disagreement does make us look like a disorganised rabble, the difference offers newsagents a means of comparing the ANF with NANA.


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  1. Sarah

    This article speaks volumes about where we are as an industry.


  2. Shayne

    It is absolutely beyond belief that the NSW Govt. thinks that “Selling the farm” provides value to taxpayers. There has not been a better example of killing the goose that layed the golden egg. Lets all hope that the opposition is sensible enough to block the legislation.


  3. Niall

    There was an interview with the NSW Opposition a few weeks ago and he was asked about the sell off of NSW lotteries and why the opposition were opposing it.

    From memory his main reason was because there was no “guarantee” for the newsagents which worried him from a small business perspective.

    He did conceed however that from a income perspective, the government would still receive the “licence fee” from the new owner.


  4. g

    NSW labor are in their deaththroes anyway and now that Della “Deviate”Bosca cant keep his pants on, it is only a matter of time before state Liberals start running the place properly


  5. A proactive newsagent

    Just who does act for NSW Newsagents?

    If the ANF say they do then we need to see tangible proof and action on a combined basis with the State Government.

    As far as I can see their is a great division in NSW and as Newsagents we look vulnerable because we cannot come across with one voice.

    Has the new CEO of the ANF ever formaly met with the NANA Chairman to endeavour to mend the stupid rift that exists ?

    I bet not !

    It really is childs play out there.


  6. Niall

    I am in Ireland currently and noticed in a newsagency yesterday that they have a small Lotteries Scanning machine near their Lottery counter where customers could scan their own tickets to see if it was a winning ticket.
    This would certainly free up staff from checking tickets which I think people here complained was a time waster especially when the big jackpots were on.


  7. Mark

    Niall Intralot offers this. Execution is not ideal as some customers don’t trust it when it says they have not won.


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