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When the association does not answer the call

I have received calls from three newsagents over the last few days about different issues but with a common factor.  In each case, they contacted their newsagent association and sought guidance on dealing with the serious business issue they faced. In each case, the newsagent association had not got back to them.

These are lost opportunities for the associations involved.  The newsagents have another reason, from the lack of response, to think twice about remaining a member of an association.

Newsagents call associations every day for all sorts of matters.  The challenge is to prioritise each call and ensure that each is responded to in a timely and professional manner.  Had this happened in each of the instances I mention above I would not have received the call.

The associations involved understand the challenges yet prefer to focus their attention on other matters than the core of their operation – customer (member) service.

While I am happy to help any newsagent in need, I would prefer to see associations focused on serving their members on association matters.  The newsagency channel would be healthier for their attention.

Newsagent representation

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