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Tapping into Robert Pattinson’s popularity

fhn_famous_aug3.JPGRobert Pattinson is hot right now if magazine editors are any judge.  He is on the cover of current issues of Famous, Who and NW.  We are trying to tap into this apparent interest by placing Famous next to our main newspaper stand as well as having stock in its usual location.  Who has just about sold out over the weekend and NW is already co-located in the ACP basket builder stand.

It is important we notice these trends as we can use them to sell more magazines.


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  1. Jarryd Moore

    He’s been on the cover of a host of weekly mags for a number of issues now. Im not sure the editors have it right on this one though. His appeal is skewed more towards the teen/tween market (Dolly, Girlfriend, etc).


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