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Helping POS Solutions users upgrade

Due to demand, my software company Tower Systems is are hosting another free online training event for the POS Solutions users who are switching to Tower Systems newsagency software – this Thursday, August 6, at 11am.  All you need is a computer with broadband and phone for the toll free call to get audio content.  Any current users of POS Solutions software are also welcome to participate.   Book online here.

The 250 or so newsagents using the POS DOS software need to move to access lower cost EDI facilities from magazine distributors.  This is part of a coordinated move by magazine distributors and software companies to get newsagents off old technology which has been holding the channel back.

newsagent software

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  1. Grant

    You may find the answer here about why POS Solutions users leave the company: http://www.notgoodenough.org/viewtopic.php?p=315614&sid=4279651786bb0ae96dcc304f3283ae31


  2. Graeme Day

    Mark I see all computer records and yours is as good as any other the Big 3 no better no worse just different. I have some say POSS is better and some say Computerlink and some Tower.Personally I feel that the training given to uses by the suppliers of software alarmingly apalling


  3. Mark

    Graeme, this is a post from august last year which has sprung to live because of a comment from Grant.

    On training, I think plenty of newsagents would disagree with you. Tower Systems offers more training sessions on more platforms across more topics than any other company. It is a key reason why around three times more newsagents use Tower Systems than any other software product in their newsagency.


  4. not happy jan

    I would caution anyone looking at POS Browser to really weigh up its benefits verse the cost not only of installation but the ongoing rip off or support fee’s. It does have adequate reporting systems but these are no better than others that I seen for less cost. I was very swept up in the whole using a windows based system but the POS cost is no longer something that I can justify.
    Cost is only the start. The owners, are nutters and will discount based on fear of loss. The back door deals are there. One last thing they are bullies and they deal with others like bullies. Some groups are making it a rule that you must be POS. Pity a smaller group has a better deal than the bigger group.


  5. Keith

    I read the link to not good enough. This is the POS Solutions I know too, used to know. I changed four months ago.


  6. David

    I notice that pos solutions has not responded to the notgoodenough.org post and that it has not been taken down from that site. It is good to see someone speak out about them.


  7. Peter

    I got POS Solutions in my business three year ago and they promise a support cost of $1,000. When I get my bill for $3,000 I call and they say it has gone up. This does not make sense to me. Then my software get an error message and they say I have to pay $3,000 to stop this.


  8. Jim

    The Not Good Enough site is excellent for recording the service record of companies like POS Solutions. Thankfully I switched more than a year ago.


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