I am undertaking a sales benchmark study comparing April-June 2009 against April-June 2008. This study will provide an update on the sales health of our channel with the last study now three months old.
Tower Newsagents can participate by sending a Monthly Sales Comparison report: tick the box to exclude home deliveries, and tick the box for a category breakdown. Set your first date range (on the left) to April 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009 and the date range of the right to one year earlier. Once the report is on the screen, click the PDF button to save this as a PDF, go into your email software and send a copy of the PDF to me at mark@tower… Newsagents not using Tower Systems software should click here for a spreadsheet template.
I’ll publish the benchmark results here and elsewhere so all newsagents can benefit.
Why are you doing this? This is what associations are for.
David, Associations have never done this. I share the results with them and any interested party.