My blog post about the Men’s Health iPhone app drew no comments yet a blog post yesterday afternoon about magazine subscriptions drew plenty. Our thinking remains rooted in the old world, the world with which we are more familiar.
The Men’s Health iPhone app demonstrates a smart way for a masthead to engage with its community – and to do so without a traditional distribution channel.
An apt headline
I think there was no comments about the iphone blog because it is something that newsagents cannot change. More mags will go online or onto mobile devices and we will see a steady decline in mag sales. But why should we continue to poor efforts and resources into outdated media. I cannot see mags and even newspapers in the future for my business but that does not mean that my business will die with these departments.
The blog about subscriptions however touched a nerve because the publishers gave us the shaft and now it has come back to bite them in the arse.
I would say the lack of response is due to most newsagents having a major lack of understanding of new technology.
You can’t comment if you don’t know what to say.
Lack of response also due to the $50m draw.
Explaining to lazy numpties that it’s seven numbers in Oz7. “Is it?” being the most popular response.
Also explaining it’s the yellow coupon, “Which one is that”? being the most popular response to that. (How did these people get driver’s licences?)
So I am supposed to feel shamed I don’t reply to every media disruption post with hey, I can’t deliver that!
Its old news to lots of us, I personally generally only like to post when I feel I actually have something to add, not just to see my own words.
This post the exception though, cos clearly I’m just returning whatever morning snark you had.
sa, No one has suggested you should feel ashamed. The Men’s Health launch is big news in my view. It appears I am wrong.
Michael , that made me laugh ,that is exactly what is happening all day long
I find any thing to do with the internet or all this other gear the no money in it e.g phone recharge
D R I will quote a long term Newsagent of many years ago when some one suggested at an ANCOL meeting that there was no money in Newspapers, his retort in a dry drawl was “if you sell enough of the bastards there is”