Take 5 and That’s Life are heroes of the high volume weekly magazines. While circulation declines for each in the latest numbers out last week, their respective declines (-1.53% and -1.92% respectively) are a fraction of the declines of the higher profile weeklies. I see Take 5 and That’s Life as bread and butter magazines for newsagencies. They deliver loyal mid week traffic off of which smart newsagents build other sales. We treat them well with co-location, active promotion and other support. They return the favour with good numbers for us.
My special interest in Take 5 and That’s Life relates to loyalty. I first noticed this when we introduced Australia’s first magazine loyalty program in my newsagency in 2004. We still run the program today and Take 5 and That’s Life customers remain the most loyal to us and in the use of our magazine loyalty program.
The circulation numbers reinforce my interest in these titles. They demonstrate a resilience which ought to be respected in this marketplace.
I couldn’t agree more, re bread & butter.
On my daughters’ recommendation, we’ve also started stocking the UK equivalents, Chat and Pick me Up, which are starting to take off after 3 weeks on the stand.
Numbers are very small, but promising.
Y&G is these are doing well, consider: real People, Yours, Woman, Best and People’s Friend. They all do very well in our older demographic.
Cool. Thanks for that 🙂
Darn it, OZ Lotto jackpot and its teeming with rain!
I’d like it if POS software companies could implement a report that could show sales vs weather.
In FSEQ it’s raining a little right now and seeing we’re an “outdoor” shopping centre, sales can rise in terms of magazines but drop with lotto sales due to less traffic.