Pacific Magazines’ marie claire this month packages a free gift is a unique way. Rather than sticking the free Chanel mascara on the cover or in a fold out bag, they have slipped it on the spine and produced a cover wrap around. Whereas free gifts with magazines often detract from the product they are promoting, the approach with this month’s marie claire reinforces the quality of the brand.
It does not look cheap – is what I mean. This is important in the land of gifts with magazines.
The Chanel mascara giveaway and unique packaging have won marie claire access to our prime counter display space.
I too was impressed this morning when putting mags on the shelf. Firstly it looks different which catches the eye secondly fits nicely in the pockets without detracting from the mag above it, and thirdly no-one can steal the giveaway!!
Caught our team’s eye as well. Very impressive. Very innovative. Not only does the freebie reinforce the quality of the Marie Claire brand, it does so in a ‘fixture-friendly’ manner.
Excellent idea, huge improvement on traditional packaging. Looks like a great promotion, well done Marie Claire.