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Box magazine and the grab for cash

boxmag.JPGWe received eight copies of Box magazine from NDD on New Year’s Eve at our Frankston newsagency.  Based on our assessment of what sells in this location, Box magazine is not for us.  We are early returning the stock.  It is a failure of the magazine supply model which allows this.  I am suspicious that it was supplied to us on the last day of the month given that the title had been out for some time.  That we are given no choice by NDD to carry an obscure title like Box is a problem for our channel and another reason, I suspect, why newsagents choose to not deal with NDD altogether.

magazine distribution

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  1. Bario

    I left the prior issue on the shelf for a little while but no takers so early returned them.

    With this lot I have scheduled for return with my Jan09 returns.

    By the way I have decided to early return my remaining copes of Groovy Grandmas too.


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