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Promoting Zoo Weekly

zoo_papers.JPGZoo Weekly is a feature magazine with the ACP Connections program this week.  Based on our past experience at Forest Hill, we have gone for a promotional display next to our main newspaper stand.  This leads to a better sales lift than a power end display – especially since we are chasing the irregular Zoo consumer who is probably visiting to purchase a newspaper.  Also, we have had complaints from some of our older customers when we display Zoo on a power end.


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  1. Vaughan

    I see little noise was made with decision by Zoo to cut the commission rate back to 25% on these cheaper editions.

    Newsagents have supported this title diligently for 2 years and this is how the publishers rewards us.

    25% of $2.50 does not pay its way, nor does it warrant the display space given it.

    It is simple greed by the publisher to make this decision. Newsagents need to stand up make some noise on this issue.

    Once again we have been used as a platform for other people to make money.


  2. Mark

    Vaughan I missed this. Not happy.


  3. MARK

    Yes, thanks Mr Killalea – thanks for nothing!! The $2.50 issues has a new home in our agency. We have replaced it with a product that pays its way this week!!

    Mark fa


  4. Luke

    Until we have an association that will stand up for us, what is the point for individual newsagent to protest. Time and Time again it falls on deaf ears. I’m like you Vaughan we do not give this title any promotion for such pathetic commision.


  5. SHAUN

    make a stand and just send them back


  6. Derek

    Is it because ACP now owns Zoo but is distributed by G & G, in any case….Bad form, bad commission, bad customer relations. I am not sure if they care about customer relations, Distributors to the newsagents, it really is my way or the high way. Terrible way to act.


  7. Anoop

    It’s reassuring to hear such feedback on coverprice vs commission. I am a small start up publisher with a regional (Sydney only – but soon Melbourne) title. We have dropped the cover price quite a few times where appropriate and always raised the newsstand commission to keep our newsagents happy. I don’t get much feedback on this, nor do we get specialised placement / promotion. In future, we should make a bigger deal about letting newsagents know that their commission has been raised!


  8. Anoop


    Yes you do need to make some noise about these offers and increased commission on lower $ editions. Newsagents are still the magazine specialists and would welcome such an offer. I think you would also find newsagents give your title more exsposure.


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