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How I would spend $1,000 from Trading Post

Earlier this week I blogged about the competition the Trading Post is running in Victoria, offering $1,000 for the best idea from a newsagent on how they would spend the $1,000 on the business. I said at the time in response to a comment that I would not post my ideas because I wanted to see the ideas my own teams put together. Since the teams are settled on their submissions, I thought I’d share one of my ideas for spending the $1,000 from the Trading Post.

I would see how far I could stretch the $1,000 by using it as a motivator to get jobs done which require labour, which have been put off and which would add to the business. I’d focus on small projects in the business which help improve efficiency or sales. For example:

  • The wall above our magazine units – up to the ceiling – looks tired. We would paint this. The paint would cost $100. The labour would be free.
  • We could create another small 50cm x 50cm slat-wall display at a second counter position for impulse magazine and other displays. The materials would cost $150 properly finished and we could install this ourselves.

These are two example of how we could stretch the $1,000, improve and the business and generate revenue from the investment.

I’d look for small projects like these which have been put off and which have a labour component – and thereby I get to stretch the value of the $1,000.

I have other ideas but these two are where I would start.

newsagency marketing

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  1. Michael

    I’d save some to repair the holes in the ceiling that will be left when “who ever” takes their BE screens out.


  2. Michael

    Here’s some of mine :

    *Buying cheap red no-slip mats that can be joined together in a line. I’d then cut to go flush with my count and run it directly towards the door, creating a red carpet for customers to walk down. I’d use it for superdraws and big jackpots to create a better atmosphere. Cost $100-$200

    *Reorganising my POS terminal screen closer to my lotto terminal for better ergonomics. This will shave time of transactions. I just need some longer cables. Cost $100ish.

    *Getting some wood to create new shelving in the crosswords/cartoons/kids area. Aiming at a rough standing order for that area, plan it so the small, medium and large sizes sit side by side, but in custom sized pockets so they sit better and show more of the cover and improve the presentation of that area. Cost $50 if I build it $300-$500 to get someone to.

    *Do the above for invoice books so I can increase their range seeing they are such a good seller.

    That’s all I have at the moment


  3. Inside

    Mark you have no idea how pissed off your blog makes the ANF Directors. They make fun of you. They are not bright enough to do anything else. The attack dog has been let loose and she is viscious just ask the last ceo. Keep up your good advice as it is fun to watch how they react.


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