These two top selling computer magazines show, again, how far off their original track they have got. While there are some purist computer titles still around, they are few and far between. APC and PC User are all about gadgets. People interested in computers have stopped buying them. We almost need to locate them with T3 and other gadget titles.
People interested in computers have stopped buying computer magazines full stop. Its the demographic that lends itself the most to getting their content for free online. The mags have had to reinvent themselves as gadget/lifestyle interest to even have a hope of keeping readership. They are among the titles that discount themselves the most in subscription offers.
It is also somewhat indicative of the growth of services offered by phones etc that they are supplanting the traditional roles many desktops filled. When people are getting email on their phones and streaming online video into their lounge room the humble desktop, especially in the home, is less the focal piece it used to be.
Why wouldn’t you put the gadgetry titles next to the computer ones anyway? They seem like categories best suited to sit together anyway.