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How to cancel Bill Express direct debit

The ASIC website has a sample of the letter you can send to a bank to cancel a direct debit. Here is a modified version of that letter for use by newsagents in relation to their Bill Express equipment lease. This sample was distributed by the QNF to its members yesterday.

[Your letterhead or postal address]


[Name of bank, building society or credit union] [Address]

Dear Sir/Madam

Cancellation of direct debit

I refer to my authority to [Insert name of merchant and your account or reference number  with them] to direct debit my account [insert your bank account name and number] for $544.50 (including GST) on or around the 25th of each month.   I hereby cancel this direct debit authority, effective from [insert date],

Would you please confirm in writing that you have forwarded this cancellation instruction to the merchant’s sponsor bank and that you will make sure no further amounts are debited from my account under this direct debit authority from [insert date as in paragraph above].

Yours faithfully,

(Your signature, name etc.)

Newsagents involved in the NSW class action were advised more than two months ago to cancel their direct debit.  The ANF changed its mind on the direct debit can called on newsagents to suspend direct debit arrangements for Bill Express equipment twelve days ago.

It is important newsagents ct this week given that the next account sweep is due in under two weeks.

Bill Express

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  1. Sunita

    Do you have also any suggestion about how to get rid of Bill Express equipments especially one dedicated line for ADSL. We were trying to get internet facility from other Internet provider and been informed that we still have the previous ADSL connection which stopped working from last week. Thanks


  2. Vaughan

    I am surprised to hear that you still have connectivity through Bill Express ADSL. Mine stopped working weeks ago as a result of Bill Express shutting the ADSL connection down. I would double check where your ADSL is coming from as you may already be paying for it?


  3. Roop

    Sunita ,
    We had the same problem , as you are not paying for the adsl which is provided on the phone line used for BX .BX used AAPT for its adsl . Call up another ISP and ask to churn ur ADSL o them


  4. Carol

    I called Telstra and with in a day or two they fixed my line so I could use it for my new provider.


  5. Andrae

    I get adsl through a company called 1410 communications. Does anyone else get a bill from this company? I have a feeling that this may have also been used for the Bill Express connection.


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