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Why I am advertising newsagencies

tvc_stations.JPGI am thrilled with the response to the TV campaign for newsagents which I announced here last Friday.  Newsagents are pleased that their shingle will feature on a wide variety of TV channels.    What is needed most right now is photos of happy newsagnts standing in front of their shops and counters.  The more of these we get the more the direct of the TV commercial will have to consider.  If you have a photo you would like considered please email mark@towersystems.com.au.

There are a couple of cynics bagging the idea, saying I have an ulterior motive.  No, no ulterior motive.  My motives are well explained in the letter I sent to all newsagents.  I believe in this channel and rely on this channel.  The TV commercial is the best way I can demonstrate this to all newsagents regardless of their marketing group or software company affiliation.  The alternative is to do nothing – but I figured there has been too much of that over the years.

Newsagency challenges

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  1. Michael

    You don’t need to prove anything Mark. Anyone with half a brain can see that you work hard both for yourself and other agents.

    I can see the ulterior motive but if your putting up the cash for such a huge marketing venture that benifits all newsagents and will indirectly benifit your businesses (If it does, after airing) I don’t see a problem at all and who cares?

    You seem to be about the only person in this industry that has their two feet on the ground in terms of all the facets of running a newsagency and getting the most out of it. I’m still trying to find my feet.

    My camera is broken at the moment but I’ll try to get a photo for you.


  2. Derek

    What happens when you eat something with chilli in it? you usualy need a drink.

    Congratulations on this initiative.

    Your concerns are VALID dying a slow death is not nice for the many families and business’s that the Newsagent channel provides a living for, i am one who believes that you dont want anything in return other than promotion of the Newsagent around Australia and what it can do for the consumer.


  3. Wen

    Mark, If your ‘motive’ is striving to improve your business and your industry, then I applaud your action and initiative. What can we do to help?
    To the grumblers: What are you doing to promote the industry??? And why do you care how Mark will personally benefit from his own initiatives, given he is not asking you for anything but support?


  4. Wen

    Also, will it be possible to download the ad (once it is released) so we can run it on our in-store screens?


  5. Vaughan

    I would be interested to know who the grumbles are coming from, given that I only see this as a positive for newsagents.
    Also, has Beechworth sent you any photos yet? Being the best looking store in Country Vic it needs a footprint 🙂


  6. Mark

    Vaughan – an association as well as a couple of newsagents one of whom says this is the beginning of the end!

    No photos from Beechworth. They miss you.


  7. Vaughan

    Beginning of the End – Great Movie Title. Maybe they know something we don’t, but i doubt it. The end will come very quickly if wec ontnue with the same business model (is there such a thing?) for newsagents.
    Will get you the photos.


  8. Lorraine

    Hi Mark,

    Just looking through my VANA bulletins ( apparently they have a few $million in the bank) and ANF correspondence ( Understand they don’t have much now the Bill Express tap has stopped dripping) but I don’t see any of them doing anything to promote the industry.

    It likely is the end of ANF and the State Associations. Can someone turn out the light and give members back the millions VANA has been sitting on and not using for the benefit of it’s members?

    My photos are on the way. And I’ve got good looking staff so pick them – please.




  9. Barry Preston

    Re your ad for Newsagents (the only positive lite in fairly gloomy Newsagent environment) the Association would be unhappy because they realise that this is something they should have done themselves, and I would think the unhappy Newsagents had shares in BE ???


  10. Samuel

    Hi, Mark. As a fellow newsagent, I am very grateful for your idea and your advertisement of newsagency industry.
    It’s one of the most positive steps I’ve seen, and it will lift the image of the whole industry and increase brand awareness for newsagency.
    Thank you very much.


  11. Mark

    Samuel, Thanks. I am thrilled with the response from newsagents and a couple oif suppliers. We should have some good photos to use by early next week.



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