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Ask for clarity on ANF commission

Newsagents are getting inundated by suppliers to sign up for mobile recharge and eftpos arrangements including two faxes from my own business (but no calls from us).  Given my earlier post this morning about evidence suggesting the ANF is getting 40% of available commission and the newsagent getting 60%, I suggest to newsagents that they ask any caller: How much commission is paid to the ANF?  Tell them you will not consider their offer further until they put their response in writing to you.

Newsagents have a right to have the facts so they can make an informed decision.  I am certain that faced with one offer paying a newsagent 6% commission and the ANF, say, 4% commission on mobile phone recharge or another offer paying the newsagent 6% and no other party any commission, the newsagent is likely to go for the latter.

The ANF is not acting as an industry association in this matter.  It is acting as a commercial party.  This is demonstrated in every announcement made about eftpos arrangements.

While I negotiated the deal with St.George, I advise newsagents who ask me today what they should do since all they have is the Bill Express terminal for eftpos to install the unit shipped from the ANZ.  This provides time for the dust to settle and clarity to be achieved on any currently secret commission being paid to the ANF.

Bill Express

Join the discussion

  1. Luke

    I have received both faxes regarding the st george eftpos deal ( tower & ANF) Were ANF’s rates the same as tower’s? I can’t remember. It seems as though ANF were quick to jump on and follow your lead to prove ‘that they are doing whats best for newsagents’
    So it had to take Mark to do all the hard work to negotiate the deal?? This is why I am not a ANF member and never will be. They do nothing!


  2. Chris

    This is why i am not a member of the ANF and are very happy with my latest hardware and software from TOWER. I look forward to new iterations of TOWER software and the excellent ezi-pass application.


  3. Anon.

    Isn’t there a law about secret commissions. The ANF says we should go with suncorp but they have not said they get a cut.


  4. Chris

    I am resigning from the ANF because of all this.


  5. Lorraine

    Hi Anon,

    You might like to ask ANF what commission they grab for Western Union transactions at the same time. You may find they make more than you on a transaction.

    Have a good day


  6. SHAUN

    I recently sent the ANF an email asking them to verify wether they receive the 40% commision and this was there reply.

    Good morning Shaun,

    I have received confirmation from the CEO, Don MacAskill, that it is
    completely untrue that the ANF is receiving a commission of 40% from

    Please give us a call on the below number if you would like to discuss
    this further.

    Warm Regards

    Tracy Rolls
    Communications Manager
    Australian Newsagents’ Federationthem

    Has anyone else asked the question and received the same answer?


  7. mark


    The letter I have seen claims the ANF received 40% of the available commission. So, if commission is 10%, the ANF would get 4%.



  8. SHAUN

    so mark have i worded my question wrong or they spinning me another lie??


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