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The Classic Australian Movie Collection

I have see the TV commercial for the Classic Australian Movie Collection partwork series which is to launch July 16.  Like other partwork TV commercial, it is designed to drive traffic exclusively for the newsagent channel.  The first five movies are: The May From Snowy River, Gallipoli, Sunday Too Far Away, Rabbit Proof Fence and Picnic at Hanging Rock.  This series has the potential to be HUGE and it is exclusive to newsagents!

newsagency marketing

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  1. Shayne

    Its such a shame that deagostini has to compete with Newsagencies by offering Free dvd player, Free dvd storage box, free book binders and free postage and handling for customers who subscribe directly to them.


  2. Luke

    Are country newsagents going to be compensated now that we are forced to full return unsold DVD’s from part works. We do all the instore promotions and still only sell 1 or 2 copies per issue however we still are oversupplied by up to 10 copies. The added cost to us to return these will negate our profits for the titles. Why should newsagents bear the cost/risk of non performing titles. If publishers want to reduce royalty cost then they should force the distributors to supply based on sales history that they already have, not some pie in the sky estimate.


  3. SHAUN

    as a country newsagent my self i send 100’s of dollars sending back returns every month .half the stock i get in goes back it is quite sad to see all your hard earned money tied up with these suppliers .i am still receiving 5 elvis dvds and sending 4 back you would think they would get the messge .they do get the message on popular selling mags like take 5 and thats life where they will short supply you if you have a bad week


  4. clem

    SHAUN,Send them back COD they might get the message then


  5. SHAUN

    I often put receiver to pay it just does not seem to work because i get charged anyway .


  6. Mel

    As a customer in regional W.A. I missed out on being able to buy a copy of this latest magazine. I have been advised to buy independently as the newsagents cannot guarantee copies due to supply issues in W.A. regional areas. If anyone knows how I can do that can they let me know. Thanks.


  7. mark

    Mel, any newsagent ought to be able to get this for you. Mark


  8. Brayden

    When does issue 2 come out?


  9. SHAUN

    tomorrow if the trucks are delivering


  10. Brayden

    thanks for that I check out the local shop Tomorrow


  11. Babey

    WOW i was like heyyyy when eee saw das xxoxoxox


  12. Vera

    I was wondering if the Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith has been issued yet? As we live in the centre of the Territory, its a bit hard to drive to town every week. thanks


  13. janice leys

    Is there a full list of the movies that have been published in this collection. The newsagents don’t seem to know what is coming next and some of them are not stocking them anyway.
    I would like to know if the movie “Crackers” which is about an Australian Christmas and stars Warren Mitchell is going to be released in this series. Also a movie called “Adam’s Woman” starring Beau Bridges. If they are to be released could you tell me when?
    Thank You


  14. Kerrie

    i would like to know how many are in this series, i have purchased them all so far and wish to know how many more as funds are running low but i would like to continue.


  15. Marion

    I would like to know how many there is in the collection as I was origionally told that there wewe only 80. I see on no.80 that 81 is next. I wes hoping for the SHIRLEE but i may have to stop getting them in the mean time. Is there a list of total movies in the collection?


  16. Ben

    G’day I know it’s a long shot but does anyone know how many issues were published


  17. Mark Fletcher

    Sorry Ben I don’t know.


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