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Cut and run by Brumby Government

fh_counter_june08.JPGThe Victorian State Government continues its cut and run strategy on its changes to over the counter lottery products. Their lack of genuine engagement in navigating the resulting changes is disappointing. I have written to the Minister for Gaming twice about unreasonable demands by Tattersalls regarding space allocation. The Minister has ignored my letters yet he has sent another form letter to all lottery outlets pointing us to the office of the Small Business Commissioner.  I have written again this morning.

A better approach would be to demand Tattersalls stop sending threatening letters to its retail network, require a moratorium of, say, six months and establish a commercial approach to resolving counter and other in-store space allocation issues.

If my moratorium approach is adopted, I could promote and sell Intralot and Tattersalls products as I choose – see the photo – and then be judged by resulting sales. If my Tattersalls sales are down compared to other outlets then I’d need to to what Tattersalls says. If, on the other hand, they are on par or up, I am left alone to run my business.

I have written to the Minister again this morning as well as Tattersalls and then SBC. With seven days to go and a legal threat from Tattersalls someone needs to step in and help my and others in my situation.


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  1. Helen

    First week without scratchies, due to Tatts picking up their bucket and spade and going home early like petulant school kids, i noticed a worrying sign,early days yet i know but still thought i would comment.We used to sell on average $3500 of scratchies a week ,so lost revenue of about $700 for these two weeks,but overall figures for the week down a whopping 13% and traffic flow down about the same for the week,more products to go his week ,Thats over $700 lost commission a week in my case…and then to make matters worse we cant retail these new replacements products fairly and or adequately in OUR shops next week!when are we going to stop getting pushed kicked punched and treated like pathetic second class retailers


  2. danni

    Tattersalls need to pull their finger out, i have the intralot machine up and all ready to go, but because of the stupid rule, (not selling other products in the tatts dedicated area) i have to walk to the other end of the counter. (about 2meters away) Now because intralot have scratchies, and cheper games with higher commision i will be pushing customers towards intralot rather tatts. …it also helps that they have better odds.


  3. Helen

    I also love how we can get charged immediately in the week we activate a book of scratchies,yet it takes 3 weeks to receive our credits now from Tatts,and only on whole books it said today,who nows how long it will take for opened books credits which is the majority of the credit.we are only talking about small amounts (in my case less than $3000.00) but why is it always their way,when did we lose negotiating power in everything,why is all our associations,newsagent,lotto,and every other group we use as a conduit absolutely powerless ,toothless and weak to fight on our behalf.


  4. SHAUN

    because all our products ,well most of can only come from the one supplier . what is there to negotiate they have all the power we have nothing .the ANF is my voice i am yet to see them act on anything .


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