Tattersalls withdrew all remaining instant scratch ticket stock in Victorian Monday, leaving 40% of the counter space allocated in our Forest Hill store empty with no prospects of new product. A threatening letter from their Senior Corporate Solicitor Monday indicates that they intend to fight to retain “their” space. Dead counter space is commercial suicide. I hope that commonsense prevails. In the meantime, Tony Robinson, the Minister for Gaming continues to sit on his hands.
Just so everyone is informed, how much space do Tattersalls pay rent for?
Also, when does the Tattersalls license to supply scratchies run out and therefore how long has Tattersalls been in default of their license by NOT supplying product.
And don’t just pick on Minister Robinson for doing nothing – where is the Minister for Small Business – Joe Helper.
How ironic – a Helper providing no help for Small Business in your state.
As suggested previously, I’d put a big sign in that space – Tattersalls refuse to supply this product – Intralot coming soon.
Best Regards