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Mobile recharge marketing collateral

recharge_here.JPGNot much has changed in marketing collateral around mobile phone recharge in newsagencies for years. I see this as a barrier to newsagents achieving better growth from the category.

As with any offer pitched in a retail environment, change is essential. This is even more true in the visually noisy environment of a newsasgency.

To support the ezipass platform in newsagencies, we have started developing several collateral options. Th photo shows one prototype for which we hope to get carrier approval from Telstra, 3 mobile and Virgin mobile. It is a “wobbler” which connects to the back of a register or some other hardware in a high traffic area.

We have four quite diffrent collateral strategies in development and eachhas several execution options. The whole kit, if we roll it out, will bring regular change to how newsagents promote mobile recharge and, we hope, result in a considerable lift in sales.

We are fortunate to have a marketing team in-house creating this and other material.

phone recharge

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  1. Luke

    This kind of marketing material will be a god send to those of us that no longer offer dialtime/billexpress. At present we are caught out with customer unsure of what we offer in the way of recharge since we don’t display the dialtime signage anymore. We even get long term customers asking if we still offer recharge. The one in the photo looks great.


  2. Manni

    Fantastic idea Mark!
    Well done, am interested in the wobblers when it becomes available! All credit to you and your team with EZIPASS – don’t know what we would of done without it especially the fiasco with BE.


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