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More than software for newsagents

tower_sales.JPGIt has been a busy day at the Tower Systems stand at ANF Convention on the Gold Coast today.   Three of our sales team are here (from left – Luke, Nathan and Tim).   While their job is to pitch our software I don’t hear much of that happening.  Many of the conversations are about more than software.  Since they get to see so many newsagencies in their travels across the country, they become story tellers about what they see in the channel.  At events like this ocnvention they get to share these stories and collect more.

These three days are more about talking with newsagents about their businesses than they are about sales.  It is good to have time away from the shop to make that connection.

For Tower, our support of the convention is about supporting newsagents more so that any sales we may get over the three days.  This is a practical way we can demonstrate our faith in  the future of the channel.  I am disappointed no other software companies are supporting the Convention.

newsagent software

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