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Lies from POS Solutions Director

Bernard Zimmermann, Director of POS Solutions, in a blog post today demonstrates why his company is losing newsagent customers.

He says he was approached by the herald and Weekly Times (News Ltd in Victoria) for help switching Tower DOS software users to POS Solutions. This is not true.

He says the POS Solutions Windows software is the most complaint in the industry as measured by magazine distributors and newspaper publishers. This is not true.

He says that every month newsagents switched from from Tower Systems to POS Solutions. This is not true.

Tower Systems has four newsagencies in Victoria running its DOS software. H&WT did not ask POS to help. Bernard has lied, again.

Bernard has lied in his blog post in an effort to hide the humiliation of his company in the latest moves to help newsagents switch from the old non-compliant POS DOS software.

Bernard was in the room and a year ago when industry leaders including News Ltd executives, ANF executives, software company owners and newsagents debated several times the POS Dos problem at a two day conference in Melbourne. He received feedback from newsagents and others when the failings of his POS DOS software and his company’s support for newsagents more generally was debated at the ACP Connections conference in Queensland last year.

Bernard Zimmermann knows that his POS DOS software is the problem yet he uses his blog post to create noise in an effort to divert attention.

My concern is not about Tower but about newsagents. For years, recent years, newsagents paid tens of thousands of dollars for the POS DOS software – long after it was not compliant and long after DOS was dead. Their collective investment in DOS technology is wasted. The cost to newsagents of this con is enormous. This is what I hope the industry avoids by ignoring POS.

Newsagents ought to shop around carefully. Get the claims made by sales people proven. Visit the software companies and see their operation for yourself. Find out why newsagents are ditching POS Solutions.

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