Where I am, the current sub contractor picked up Australia Post contracts not long after they got the magazine contract.Of course, the Aust Post contracts require they be given priority, so delivery times have slipped from a consistent 2am to anywhere from 4am to 7am, with all the obvious problems as a result.Does anyone with authority in the freight company or the distributors care? Of course not!
This is a comment posted to this blog earlier today by someone purporting to be a contractor. I am trying to make contact to check the facts. If true, the comment explains why newsagents in Victoria are frustrated with the changes these past two weeks in magazine supply arrangements. Newsagents lose out. Customers lose out. All in the name of magazine distributors cutting costs out of the supply chain.
Sounds like the magazine contract is not very well written as far as timings then? Or the distributors aren’t enforcing it. Not very nice if it is true.