It seems to me that Craigslist, the free worldwide online classifieds site, is being unfairly targeted by the News Corp. owned Fox News. I saw a story earlier this week which named Craigslist repeatedly as a place prostitutes advertise. If I believed the story, Craigslist was alone in allowing prostitutes to advertise. Newspapers have been in this space for over 100 years. It’s challenging to police and singling our Craigslist demonstrates bias.
The Fox News website has 92 stories which refer to Craigslist. Most are negative. It seems that the editors selecting stories about Craigslist are not the same editors selecting stories about the News Corp. owned MySpace. MySpace stories tend to be positive.
Social media sites reflect society through their content. Craigslist has a mechanism for flagging questionable ads. This gives the community control. I wish Fox News would be so open.
Fox News ought to report the news in a more balanced way and stop targeting Craigslist in this way.