I talked with a customer over the weekend who wanted to pay two Optus bills. She was explaining that she came to our store because we did not charge a surcharge on Optus bill payment like the Government owned Australia Post retail outlet opposite my shop. Given that one bill was 55 cents, the payment surcharge from Australia Post is more than the bill.
I hope that Optus consider how newsagents are helping their customers save money when they make the final decision on whether to cut the commission they pay us for mobile phone recharge. The talk is that they will cut us from 8% to 5%. If that happens newsagents are less like to to support taking Optus bill payments for no surcharge.
Mark, the surcharge is NOT an Australia Post surcharge it is a surcharge by Optus.
Thought you would of known that and jumped on the pay your optus bill here and and no surcharge will apply band wagon, like most of the newsagents around here have.
Clem, We have promoted it before. I had forgotten about the difference. I was told, however, that it is an Australia Post surcharge. mark
Mark, just a foot note to my last on this subject the OPTUS Surcharge imposed on AP by OPTUS only affects the home phone bill not the mobile phone bill.