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Another magazine we do not need

mag_airports.JPGI thought this was a TV show, you know, stories about the going on in airports. Why produce as magazine and why import it to sell in Australia? I will not even try and sell the title – we received two copies and cannot afford to give a pocket of space to it. Where would I put it anyway? Travel? There’s nothing like it in travel. Range sells stock and this title, all on its own, would languish for a month before being returned.

This title should never have been placed with newsagents.


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  1. Michelle

    Maybe an airport lounge would be more appropriate?


  2. chantal

    It actually sells very well in many newsagents and brings in good revenue. It should be in the aviation category next to titles like Airliner World and Air International. Just because you might not be interested in aviation doesn’t mean other people aren’t. Maybe you should give it a try, it might surprise you.


  3. mark fletcher

    Chantal, I am interested in aviation and carry between 12 and 15 different titles. There is no spare space for a new title and since this is quite different I feel it’s inappropriate for my shop. What is the average sell through rate in newsagencies and the average supply?


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