Further to my earlier comments about Australia Post, I received this letter yesterday from an Assistant Advisor to Senator Coonan, the Minister responsible for Australia Post. The adviser has not read my letter and considered my concerns. This letter is similar to others I have seen out of the Minister’s office on the same topic. For example, I have a letter sent by Senator Coonan to a colleague in Parliament with almost identical wording. Again, no attempt to consider the problem as something which Government policy has created and fostered.
Australia Post is creeping closer to being a newsagency in its Government owned stores. It is abusing the Act, with permission from the Government, and taking revenue from newsagencies like mine which directly compete with a Government owned and operated shop. Right now we are going head to head on calendars, cards, printer ink, gifts, stationery and a range of other smaller items. Every day this continues is another day the Government demonstrates disinterest in small business.
Read the letter and see Sir Humphrey at work.