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Do newspapers have a future?

Michael Kinsley, writing for Time magazine, asks the only real question people ask about newspapers today: “Do Newspapers Have a Future?” Kinsley, towards the end of the article, lets us know his opinion: Newspapers on paper are on the way out. He holds hope for newspaper publishers but to me and other newsagents that is a separate question.


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  1. Phil Esterman


    Future of Newspapers – maybe these guys are just killing themselves…..If they put quality articles and stories back in, instead of the garbage that’s there now then more people would probably purchase this. The recent events with Steve Irwin and Peter Brock indicated that people are still prepared to buy Newspapers. Would be interesting to see how many returns they had during those weeks compared to others.
    They need to increase the prices and change the overall format – smaller, more manageable A4/A5 size publications with better news articles and put more local/regional news into it – maybe combined the publications with their regional papers such as cumberland.

    Phil Esterman
    Kincumber newsagency
    NSW Central Coast


  2. Mark Fletcher

    Phil I agree. Newspapers need to remember their roots and pursue quality. They should leave tabloid junk and attempts at agenda setting to others. Jay Rosen at his Press Think blog is one of many voices on the Internet writing that for them to have future newspapers need to focus on content.

    mark Fletcher


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