The conga line of disgruntled customers snaked from the sales counter through the store and into the mall at the government owned Post Shop opposite my newsagency on Friday last week. I notices because a customer fronted at my counter declaring “I’m desperate for four stamps”. I looked across at the conga line and understood her desperation. I sold her the stamps – for no margin because Australia Post makes that just about impossible. My new friend told me it was like that at Australia Post every week when she bought stamps or other things. She was angry about poor customer service at the counter and long lines. Sure I encouraged her, why not? I took the opportunity to remind her that this was a Government owned shop and that the service level was under their control as the sole shareholder. She liked my idea of playing music for those in the conga line to get some rhythm going as life passes them by while in the line.
Perhaps you could have one of your staff, with the old style neck baskets that staff use to have in cinemas, go up and down the conga line selling products? Whole new business?