We have three LCD screens running advertisements in our shop. Many newsagents have at least one. Newsagents do not control this media.
To control the key message I want my customers to see we have installed a huge LCD display (in portrait mode) to display content we create. We’ll feature new magazine arrivals by day and focus on promoting higher margin products which represent a point of difference for us.
Here’s how the unit looks with three of the current ads showing.
While it’s not new for retailers of all sizes to use LCD displays at the counter to promote products, few use a display as large as ours. Already we’re getting customer reaction.
It’s important for retailers to control as much of their leased area as possible and while it’s a low cost to give space to suppliers to fill with their displays, it’s not necessarily good economics. Hence our desire for control of the medium. We spent $2,000 and while we could easily make that selling the space to suppliers, we will make more if we control content 100% and focus on our shop.